Friday, September 27, 2013

Number 27 of 29Faces

Only two more faces to go and 
the 29 Faces Challenge will be finished.
For number 27 I did something
different....  minimalist & rather depressing


  1. She is just wonderful, Diane. Often it's the simplicity of a piece that attracts me and I have yet to achieve that. You've done it beautifully.

    1. Hi Vicki! Ah your kind words made my day! Thank you!! oh, btw, i went to your jewelry page & you jewelry is artsy and rustic just the way i like it, now all i need is money! ;D!

  2. I agree, here the simlicity works very well. I feel she is a little down, as you meaned it, but she is beautiful and thinking. Lovely work of you!

    1. Hi Sirkka :D It's always so good to have you visit! Thank you for your very kind words :)

  3. Minimalist yes, but not depressing to me. I like the look. I think she is just pensive.

    1. Hi Faye! I like your description of "pensive" other than depressing. thanks for saying hello :)

  4. quite lovely in it's simplicity
    really a sweet piece.

    1. Thank you Tammie for taking the time to stop and your kind words :)

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog today, Diane. Great hearing from you. Today was not any better then yesterday for a garage sale....selling tomorrow, see how it goes. While sitting around waiting for customers, I ran across a picture of you with a piece of art work you produced years ago. I will have to check to see if there is a date on the back and I wondered how you were doing. Oh my and there you were commenting on my blog today!! What a surprise.

    Your blog is beautiful along with all the drawings of faces. I do like the one for today, very artistically done. Have a great day!!! Oh and thanks for the encouragement about the cards and postage...that actually makes alot of sence to me...who knows....but God!!

    1. Oh Louise How wonderful to see you right here! You are so sweet & thanks for following this blog! :D

  6. I wouldn't call this depressing! It's lovely. It's contemplative! And I really like the minimalism about it.

    1. Thank you so much, as an admirer of your work, that means a lot to me. I have to say this face has really grown on me & I think it's my favorite of the 29. Thank you again for your encouraging words!

  7. I love the minimal style here! It's sort of funky and fashion like. Artsy and pretty!

    1. why thank you!! and coming from you who does amazing fashion illustration is high praise indeed!! :D


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